Latest updates
On this page you will find the latest updates from the Careers Academy.
We offer the NHS Cadets Foundation programme in partnership with St John Ambulance and NHS England. Our first pilot for 14-16 year olds closed in October 2021 and due to very popular demand we are in the process of planning for a second cohort of Cadets to start in January 2022. To register your interest, use the contact us form below.
NHS Cadets aims to attract young people into careers in the healthcare system and develop their skills so that they are ready to fully sustain themselves in health volunteering opportunities. The programme is offered initially to 14-16 year olds sitting within underrepresented groups and is a 36-week programme. By the end you will have received essential training, valuable skills, met with lots of different professionals from our NEXTGEN Ambassador pool and receive a certificate and badge.
Further information can be found on the website: sja.org.uk/nhscadets
Once we have a date for our new programme, it will be shown here – so check back frequently!