
There are a range of data sources available to help you understand the local population and to ensure that your services are appropriate to meet local needs.
Northamptonshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
Northamptonshire’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, or JSNA, is a process that looks at the current and future health, care and wellbeing needs of Northamptonshire residents to inform and guide the planning and commissioning of health, wellbeing and social care services.
Northamptonshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
Local Health | Office for Health Improvement & Disparities
The Local Health website offers quality assured small area health-related data visualised in maps, charts, area profiles and reports.
Health Inequalities Dashboard | Office for Health Improvement & Disparities
This online tool has been developed to present evidence of health inequalities in England. Measures of inequality are provided for key indicators being used to monitor progress on reducing inequalities within England.
Strategic Health Asset Planning and Evaluation (SHAPE)
Strategic Health Asset Planning and Evaluation (SHAPE) is a web enabled, evidence based application that informs and supports the strategic planning of services and assets across a whole health economy. Its analytical and presentation features can help service commissioners to determine the service configuration that provides the best affordable access to care.
Strategic Health Asset Planning and Evaluation (SHAPE)
Health Inequalities Improvement Dashboard
The Health Inequalities Improvement Dashboard builds on learning from the COVID-19 pandemic around the importance of good quality data to provide insights to drive improvements in tackling health inequalities.
The dashboard is available to regions, systems, primary care networks, NHS providers and local authorities to see their own local data.
The dashboard requires a log-in to use. The Future NHS Equality and Health Inequalities Network workspace provides details of how to access the dashboard.
Health Inequalities Improvement Dashboard
Inequality Tools | Office for Health Improvement & Disparities
This page contains data on health inequalities at England and local level, including the Health Inequalities Dashboard and Segment Tool interactive web tools.
NHS RightCare Equality and Health Packs
These packs have been developed by NHS England to support health and care systems to design and deliver services that work to reduce health inequalities in access to services and health outcomes for their diverse local populations.
NHS RightCare Equality and Health Packs
Public Health Profiles | Office for Health Improvement & Disparities
This is a large public health data collection where data is organised into themed profiles.
Global Burden of Disease Tools
Explore regional data for the East Midlands from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation.
Global burden of disease tools
Northamptonshire local health reports
View and explore custom dashboards from the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities
West / North Northamptonshire side by side
Primary care data
National General Practice Profiles
These profiles from the Office for Health Improvement & Disparities are designed to support GPs, primary care networks (PCNs), Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and local authorities to ensure that they are providing and commissioning effective and appropriate healthcare services for their local population.
National General Practice Profiles
Northamptonshire Primary Care Network profiles
These Primary Care Network (PCN) profiles have been produced by Public Health Northamptonshire, with support from the NHS Northamptonshire Integrated Care Board Primary Care team, in order to support PCNs to deliver strategies that promote illness prevention and address health inequalities.
- Northants PCN Profile - Arc Hub [pdf] 1MB
- Northants PCN Profile - Blue [pdf] 1MB
- Northants PCN Profile - Brackley and Towcester [pdf] 1MB
- Northants PCN Profile - Daventry [pdf] 1MB
- Northants PCN Profile - East Northants [pdf] 1MB
- Northants PCN Profile - Grand Union [pdf] 1MB
- Northants PCN Profile - Kettering and South West Rural [pdf] 1MB
- Northants PCN Profile - MMWF [pdf] 1MB
- Northants PCN Profile - MWEB [pdf] 1MB
- Northants PCN Profile - Northamptonshire Rural [pdf] 1MB
- Northants PCN Profile - Parkwood [pdf] 1MB
- Northants PCN Profile - Red Kite [pdf] 1MB
- Northants PCN Profile - Rockingham Forest [pdf] 1MB
- Northants PCN Profile - Royal Parks [pdf] 1MB
- Northants PCN Profile - Triangle [pdf] 1MB
- Northants PCN Profile - Wellingborough [pdf] 1MB
Templates and tools

Templates and tools
Health Equity Assessment Tool (HEAT)
The Health Equity Assessment Tool (HEAT) is a practical framework that enables multiple audiences to systematically embed action on health inequalities and equalities in their work programme or service. The resources consist of:
- HEAT executive summary
- HEAT tool – full version
- HEAT tool – simplified version
- Case studies demonstrating practical application of the tool and the main benefits of applying it in different work areas.
Health inequalities: placed-based approaches to reduce inequalities
These guidelines from Gov.UK to support local action on health inequalities aim to:
- Reinforce a common understanding of the complex causes and costs of health inequalities
- Provide a practical framework and tools for places to reduce health inequalities
Health inequalities: placed-based approaches to reduce inequalities
Community-centred public health: taking a whole system approach
These resources enable local systems to implement and embed community-centred approaches to health and wellbeing at scale. They are intended for use by local authority, NHS and voluntary and community sector decision makers to help them to:
- improve the effectiveness and sustainability of action to build healthy communities
- embed community-centred ways of working within whole systems action to improve population health
Community-centred public health: taking a whole system approach
Leadership Framework for Health Inequalities Improvement
The Leadership Framework for Health Inequalities Improvement programme is an NHS England and Improvement (NHSEI) programme to ensure that the NHS better prevents and responds to the health inequalities which many communities experience.
How to complete a health equity audit

How to complete a health equity audit
Local guidance - How to Complete a Health Equity Audit
This slide deck from Integrated Care Northamptonshire sets out useful guidance on how to complete a Health Equity Audit.
How to Complete a Health Equity Audit [pdf] 500KB
VCSE Inclusion Health Audit Tool
This online tool from the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance helps organisations to audit their engagement with Inclusion Health groups. These are the groups identified as experiencing the worst health inequalities in the UK.
The tool consists of five sections and takes around 15 minutes to complete. Once you have completed the audit tool, you will be provided with a unique and tailored guide which will help your organisation to embed action on tackling health inequalities into its everyday activities.
Engagement and co-production

Engagement and co-production
Start the Conversation: A Guide to Community Engagement
A guide has been created to help colleagues across our integrated care system to understand and lead engagement activities effectively and productively, with the support of the Integrated Care Northamptonshire Communications and Engagement Team. It has been created by a wide variety of community members, in collaboration with the team.
Download Start the Conversation (PDF)
Six principles for engaging people and communities | National Voices
The six principles were developed by the People and Communities Board, in conjunction with the new models of care ‘vanguards’ sites, to give practical support to services as they deliver the ‘new relationship with people and communities;’ set out in NHS England’s Five Year Forward View. These ‘six principles’ set out the basis of good person-centred, community-focussed health and care.
Six principles for engaging people and communities
Think Local Act Personal – support for co-production
Co-production can improve people’s wellbeing and has a positive impact on the workforce. The National Co-production Advisory Group supports TLAP, councils and providers to co-produce their work and these pages include further information and guidance about co-production.
Think Local Act Personal – support for co-production
Healthwatch – your spotlight on health and social care
Healthwatch North Northamptonshire and West Northamptonshire listen to the issues that really matter to local communities and hear about your experiences of using health and social care services. The website contains information and resources on engagement as well as reports and insights from their engagement activity.

For information and support, including training, on health inequalities, please contact Chloe Gay by emailing
Leadership Matters Conversations - Health Inequalities
This Integrated Care Northamptonshire Leadership Matters Conversations webinar is about delivering exceptional quality care for all while ensuring equitable accesss, excellent experience and optimal outcomes.
Health Education England elearning for healthcare (elfh) modules
Health Education England provides a whole range of training on topics relevant to health inequalities and other areas. These include the modules listed below. Please note you will need a Health Education England elfh log-in to access these training modules.
- Engaging with People and Communities
- Cultural competence
- Health Equality Framework
- Health inequalities
- Health Equity Assessment Tool
- Community-centred approaches to health improvement
Other e-learning
- Homeless health (Healthy London Partnership) – tailored for GP practice managers and receptionists
Key sources of information

Key sources of information
Health equity
Evidence, resources and guidance from Public Health England and partners to help support national, regional and local areas to reduce health inequalities.
Equality and health inequalities legal duties
This guidance is to support Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and NHS England in meeting their legal duties in respect of equality and health inequalities. CCGs and NHS England play key roles in addressing equality and health inequalities; as commissioners, as employers and as local and national system leaders, in creating high quality care for all.
Equality and health inequalities legal duties
Reducing inequalities in local areas
Guidance to support local action on health inequalities to improve outcomes.
Reducing inequalities in local areas
NHS Equality and Health Inequalities Hub
Within this hub you will find information about NHS England’s statutory responsibilities around equalities and health inequalities and the national NHS programmes in these areas. Programmes work across the NHS and with other agencies, people and communities to advance equalities; and achieve equitable access, excellent experience and optimal outcomes for the people we serve and the colleagues we work with.
NHS Equality and Health Inequalities Hub
Reasonable adjustments for people with a learning disability
Guides on how reasonable adjustments should be made to health services and adjustments to help people with learning disabilities to access services.
Reasonable adjustments for people with a learning disability
NHS entitlements for migrant health
Advice and guidance for healthcare practitioners on the health needs of migrant patients.
NHS entitlements for migrant health
Friends, Families and Travellers Policy and Publications
Policy, publications and information on issues affecting Gypsies and Travellers from the Friends, Families and Travellers website.
Friends, Families and Travellers Policy and Publications
Reducing health inequalities through new models of care
This report from the Institute of Health Equity urges the development of an ambitious local health system – which focusses on population health needs and good health for all as well as provision of treatment and services.
Reducing health inequalities through new models of care
Supporting named leads for health inequalities on NHS boards
- ublished by the independent NHS Race & Health Observatory with The King’s Fund and setting out recommendations to help ensure senior NHS officials responsible for improving health inequalities are able to make a difference (2021)
Supporting named leads for health inequalities on NHS boards
NHS Reset: A New Direction for Health and Care
NHS Confederation members’ views on the COVID-19 pandemic and a possible direction for health and care in the aftermath of the pandemic.
NHS Reset: A New Direction for Health and Care
Local Government Association Health Inequalities Hub
The Local Government Association Health Inequalities Hub explores different themes in detail, shining a spotlight on case studies from councils across the country and exploring how COVID-19 exacerbated existing health inequalities.
Local Government Association Health Inequalities Hub
Inclusion Health: applying All Our Health
Information to help front-line health and care staff use their trusted relationships with individuals, families and communities to take action on inclusion health.
Future NHS Equality and Health Inequalities Network

Future NHS Equality and Health Inequalities Network
The Future NHS Equality and Health Inequalities Network is a highly recommended resource hub for information and updates about health inequalities.
By joining this workspace and you can sign up to receive updates when new information is added to the space.