Governance and Board Meetings
We will ensure that decisions are taken in an open and transparent way and that the interests of patients, service users, carers and the public remain central to our goals.
Northamptonshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) is committed to ensuring accountability in the day-to-day running of our organisation. We will ensure that decisions are taken in an open and transparent way and that the interests of patients, service users, carers and the public remain central to our goals.
Northamptonshire ICB has developed a constitution which will give us the best possible governance arrangements and infrastructure that will allow us to deliver our vision, strategic aims and priorities.
NHS Northamptonshire ICB Constitution[pdf] 495KB
The ICB’s Constitution is supported by the ICB’s Governance Handbook, which has been developed to give ease of access to key governance information to support the application of the ICB’s governance arrangements in practice and to give insight to patients and the public on our arrangements.
NHS Northamptonshire ICB Governance Handbook - updated April 2024[pdf] 2MB
In line with the ICB Constitution, the ICB maintains a register of interests for the organisation. Interests declared by Board members, Committee members and staff are managed in line with the ICB’s Standards of Business Conduct and Conflicts of Interests Policy.
Standards of Business Conduct and Conflicts of Interests Policy – July 2023[pdf] 605KB