To support the launch of our systemwide Pathfinders programme, two bitesize sessions are being delivered by Become, the National charity for children in care and young care leavers.
Workplaces that care – supporting care experienced young people enter the health and care workforce bite size sessions
To support the launch of our systemwide Pathfinders programme, two bitesize sessions are being delivered by Become, the National charity for children in care and young care leavers. These sessions will be delivered on 28th June and 8th October over Teams and will last for an hour.
They are open to all colleagues across Integrated Care Northamptonshire. The sessions aim to raise awareness across our workforce on the lived experienced of care-experienced young people and the type of support they may need in the workplace, so organisations have the opportunity to create as welcoming a work environment as possible.
The sessions will explore what ‘being in care’ actually means and the types of challenges young people face as they leave the care system. Participants will also gain an understanding of the impact of trauma before being introduced to how care experienced young people can be supported in the workplace using trauma informed principles.
Details of these sessions including the Teams links is below
Friday 28th June 12:30 – 1:30pm
Microsoft Teams
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Meeting ID: 331 914 818 760
Passcode: LLytMK
Tuesday 8th October 12:30 – 1:30pm
Microsoft Teams
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Meeting ID: 358 871 297 30
Passcode: 7zFiNG