Integrated Care Partnership (ICP)
The ICP brings together local authorities, health and social care, and housing providers.
Organisations across Northamptonshire who deliver mental health, social care and physical health care are working together as Northamptonshire Integrated Care Partnership (NICP).
This is a new way of working, bringing together local councils, health and social care organisations, local charities, and community groups to look after the people of Northamptonshire.
Teams from different organisations will come together to plan and deliver joined-up health and care services to help people live well and stay well. The focus is on supporting people to stay healthy, keep their independence for longer and be able to manage their own care.
We know that people’s health and wellbeing can be impacted by lots of different things in their lives. This might include their homes, education, work or social inequalities. Addressing these issues fundamentally underpins the work of NICP.
We want to help you stay well for longer by supporting you to lead a healthier life and manage your own health conditions. We want to do this by offering easier access to care when you need it, often closer to where you live.
Northamptonshire Integrated Care Partnership aims to make the transition between health and care services seamless, so you do not have to keep repeating your story to different teams and organisations. Equal importance will be placed on mental and physical health, with the key aim of delivering care closer to home, meaning you will only have to go to hospital when really necessary.
NICP brings together health and social care partners to deliver quality care at the right time and in the right place. In Northamptonshire they are:
Together, these partners are responsible for agreeing, delivering and monitoring health and care services across our county. NICP must also produce a plan – called an Integrated Care Strategy – which sets out how we will meet the health and wellbeing needs of Northamptonshire.
Our health and care needs are changing with a growing population across Northamptonshire. People are living to older ages with more complex and long-term illnesses, which means there is growing demand for local health and care services.
In the past, barriers and gaps between different parts of health and care have resulted in disjointed experiences and outcomes for the people who use them. Using health and care services often means many appointments with different people in different places.
So, by creating the new Northamptonshire Integrated Care Partnership (ICP), local organisations can work together more closely to collectively improve the health of local people.
Neighbourhoods – known as Local Area Partnerships (LAPs) – are an important part of NICP. They aim to ensure health and care services are better co-ordinated and delivered more proactively for people at local level.
For every local community across Northamptonshire there will be a Local Area Partnership, each covering a population of between 30,000 and 50,000 people.
In Northamptonshire there will be a total of 17 LAPs – nine of these in West Northamptonshire area and eight across North Northamptonshire. These partnerships will be governed by health and wellbeing forums and served by groups of GP practices (known as Primary Care Networks) working with NHS community services, local councils and social care providers.
Local Area Partnerships will:
Integrated Care Northamptonshire (ICN) is excited to share a 10-year strategy to support people in Northamptonshire to ‘Live Your Best Life’.
This strategy has been developed together by NHS providers, local councils, voluntary and community organisations and other partners, with a focus on enabling residents to benefit from equitable opportunities to live their best life, whoever they are and wherever they live in the county.
Our vision is bold: we want to work better together in Northamptonshire to create a place where people and their loved ones are active, confident and empowered to take personal responsibility for good health and wellbeing, with quality integrated support and services available for them if and when they need help.
Integrated Care Northamptonshire Live Your Best Life Strategy 2023-33.pdf [pdf] 22MB
Jane is 38 years old and lives in Corby with her two children. She is a single mum and has a part-time job as a receptionist. She works while her children are at school. Jane lives in rented housing, but the landlord has recently increased the monthly rent and it has now become unaffordable. She worries that she will soon become homeless or have to live with her mother in a one-bedroom flat nearby.
Jane has been suffering with a chest infection for some time. She worries that if it gets any worse, she might need urgent care.
Jane asked for a GP appointment. In the appointment, she explains that she lives in rented housing that is damp. She owes rent and is struggling to afford to heat the house. She has also felt the rising cost of energy in recent months. Jane worries that her two children will become ill because of this.
The GP offers her a treatment for her chest infection and asks the welfare team to offer extra support.
Through its Local Area Partnership, the welfare team contacts the council's private rented housing team and welfare benefit support team. They make appointments to speak to Jane and support her.
The welfare benefit support team find out that Jane is not claiming all the benefits she is allowed. It puts her in contact with a project to support her into better paid work. She can also recieve financial support to help protect her from rising energy costs. The private rented housing team work with Jane to help sort out the problems with her landlord.
Jane is happy that she can keep her family in their home and that her children are well.