Information for care providers
This page contains information to support colleagues working in health care provider organisations.
This page has been set-up to support colleagues working in health and social care provider organisations. Please note this page is under development so please do visit back for updates.
This page has been set-up for care home colleagues on aseptic technique. This page is under development sp please come back for further updates.
An aseptic technique is used to carry out a procedure in a way that minimises the risk of contaminating an invasive device, e.g. urinary catheter, or a susceptible body site such as the bladder or a wound.
Local policy should be followed for procedural guidance. An example of an Aseptic Technique Procedure Audit Tool for Care Homes can be found on this link
A catheter drainage bag should not be emptied more often than necessary as this increases the risk of infection. However, the bag must be emptied before it becomes completely full, e.g. 2/3rds full, to avoid back flow of urine into the bladder.
Clean hands after removing and disposing of each item of PPE
Catheter bags, including leg bags, should be changed according to the manufacturer’s instructions - usually weekly. Each change should be documented in the service user’s notes.
Overnight bags
If a person has a leg bag during the day, an additional larger linked drainage bag (night bag) should be used for overnight use. The night bag should be attached to the leg bag to keep the original system intact.
Overnight drainage bags connected to a leg bag should be single use. The reuse of overnight bags is unacceptable practice .
Connecting the night bag
Disconnecting night bag
A routine catheter specimen of urine (CSU) is not necessary from catheterised service users. A specimen should only be obtained if there are symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI).
The diagram above is courtesy of the Nursing Times
In Northamptonshire, a ‘Urinary Catheter Passport’ is issued when a person has had a urinary catheter inserted. The use of urinary catheter passports helps to provide continuity of care between health and social care providers in both community and hospital settings.
The Passport is given to the person to show at any GP or hospital appointments and GP or District Nurse home visits.
Please email Julie.brown@nhft.nhs.net to request a catheter passport for a resident.
Having a urinary catheter in place increases the risk of a resident developing a urinary tract infection (UTI) as germs can travel along the catheter and into the bladder very easily. Therefore good catheter care is essential to protecting residents from developing a UTI.
Five top tips for good catheter care:
1. Very fit - People who are robust, active, energetci and motivated. They tend to exercise regularly and are among the fittest for their age.
2. Fit - People who have no active disease symptoms but are less than category 1. Often, they exercise or are very active occasionally, e.g. seasonally.
3. Managing well - People whose medical problems are well controlled, even if occassionally symptomatic, but often are not regularly active beyond routine walking.
4. Living with very mild frailty - Previously "vulnerable," this category marks early transition from complete independence. While not dependent on others for daily help, often symptoms limit activities. A common complaint is being "slowed up" and/or being tired during the day.
5. Living with mild frailty - People who often have more evident slowing, and need help with high order instrumental activities of daily living (finances, transportation, heavy housework). Typically, mild frailty progressively impairs shopping and walking outside alone, meal preparation, medications and begins to restrict light housework.
6. Living with moderate frailty - People who need help with all outside activities and with keeping house. Inside, they often have problems with stairs and need help with bathing and might need minimal assistance (cuing, standby) with dressing.
7. Living with severe frailty - Completely dependent for personal care, from whatever cause (physical or cognitive). Even so, they seem stable and not at high risk of dying (within ~6 months).
8. Living with very severe frailty - Completely dependent for personal care and approaching end of life. Typically, they could not recover even from a minor illness.
9. Terminally ill - Approaching the end of life. This category applies to people with a life expectancy<6 months, who are not otherwise living with severe frailty. (Many terminally ill people can still exercise until very close to death).
Fit CFS 1-3
Mild frailty CFS 4-5
Moderate frailty CFS 6
Severe frailty CFS 7-9
Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that arises when the body’s response to an infection injures its own tissues and organs.
It occurs when the body’s immune system – which normally helps to protect us and fight infection – goes into overdrive. It can lead to shock, multiple organ failure and sometimes death, especially if not recognised early and treated promptly.
Sepsis always starts with an infection, and can be triggered by any infection including chest infections and UTIs. It is not known why some people develop sepsis in response to these common infections whereas others don’t.
The resources provide more information on Sepsis: recognition, diagnosis and management:
This guideline covers care and management for adults (aged 18 and over) with type 2 diabetes. It focuses on patient education, dietary advice, managing cardiovascular risk, managing blood gluocse levels and identifying and managing long-term conditions.
This guideline covers care and treatment for adults (aged 18 and over) with type 1 diabetes. It included advice on diagnosis, education and support, blood glucose management, cardiovascular risk, and identifying and managing long-term complications.
Supporting residents in a care home to safely manage their diabetes [pdf] 2MB
ReSPECT stands for Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment.
The ReSPECT process creates a summary of personalised recommendations for a person’s clinical care in a future emergency in which they do not have capacity to make or express choices.
These recommendations are created through conversations between a person, their families, and their health and care professionals to understand what matters to them and what is realistic in terms of their care and treatment.
Health and social care organisations across Northamptonshire will adopt the ReSPECT process in May 2024. Training is commencing now, so our health and social care colleagues are ReSPECT ready.
To find out more, visit the learning and development page, which signposts training and resources from the Resuscitation Council UK website.
You can read the Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment Policy for use across all providers in Northamptonshire here:
This guideline covers diagnosoing and managing epilepsy in children, young people and adults in primary and secondary care, and referral to teriary services. It aims to improve diagnosis and treatment for different seizure types and epilepsy syndromes, and reduce the risks for people with epilepsy.
Look around the environment
The most important thing you can do to prevent the spread of infection in a care home is to keep your hands clean. This is called hand hygiene.
Hand hygiene is essential to reduce the transmission of infection in care home settings. All staff and visitors should clean their hands with soap and water or, where this is unavailable, alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR) when entering and leaving the care home and when entering and leaving areas where care is being delivered.
The How to wash your hands video and Effective hand washing for staff and employees explains how to wash your hands
It is important that residents are routinely encouraged to perform hand hygiene and given assistance if required.
Before carrying out hand hygiene make sure:
The four moments for hand hygiene poster can be used in your care home to show staff when hand hygiene should be done and the reasons why.
Liquid soap and water must be used:
To make sure you clean your hands properly with soap and water you must follow the steps in the poster ‘ How to hand wash step by step images ’. This poster can be printed off and displayed throughout the care home to ensure that all staff and visitors are aware of and practice this hand hygiene method when required in the care home.
Alcohol based hand rub (ABHR)
Alcohol based hand rub (ABHR) is a gel, foam or liquid containing one or more types of alcohol that is rubbed into the hands to stop or slow down the growth of microorganisms (germs).
If your hands look clean then you can use ABHR for routine care.
Do not use ABHR if you are caring for a resident who has sickness or diarrhoeal illnesses such as norovirus or Clostridioides difficile. You must use soap and water as ABHR will not work.
To make sure you clean your hands properly with ABHR you must follow the steps in the poster ‘How to hand rub step by step images ’. This poster can be printed off and displayed throughout the care home to ensure that all staff and visitors are aware of and practice this hand hygiene method when required in the care home.
Keeping well hydrated is important for our physical and mental well-being. It's even more important as we age because a decline in the thirst reflex means older people tend to drink less and other changes, such as loss of muscle tissue and kidney function, affect the ability of the body to retain water.
Older people with poor mobility may find it difficult to drink and may also restrict how much they drink because they are worried about getting to the toilet. Preventing older people from becoming dehydrated is important because it causes many adverse effects, such as urinary tract infection, falls, delirium, and constipation, and increases the risk of hospital admission.
The I-Hydrate Project is aimed at understanding and improving hydration care for elderly people living in residential care and was undertaken in two care homes in west London. It started out by finding out how much fluid residents consumed, the way hydration was organised, delivered and monitored, and worked with residents to test their fluid and drinking vessel preferences.
The findings from the study were used to create a set of practical resources for care homes, including an information pack and training videos, which can be downloaded for free.
Reducing unnecessary glove and apron use is more sustainable, protects staff hands from dermatitis and protects patients from cross-infection.
Use this checklist to make sure you are only using disposable gloves and aprons when clinically necessary.
Do wear gloves and apron to:
Don’t wear gloves/apron to:
For further information please contact Infection Prevention Control Care Home Team- 0300 027229/07541 645218
The UK Health Security Agency has created a web page which outlines how to put on and remove PPE
These documents offer guidance on infection control for NHS healthcare staff of all disciplines in all care settings.
Malnutrition can be caused by either insufficient or excess eating, which can lead to complications. In this context we are referring to insufficient or under nutrition.
Older people are more at risk of malnutrition which can be a multitude of reasons, such as: medical conditions that affect the ability to eat and drink, reduced ability for self-care, frailty, and a risk of reduced cognition. The British Association of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN) have identified that over 3 million people living in the community are at risk of malnutrition and that 1 in 4 people admitted to care homes are identified at high risk.
The outcome of reduced eating and drinking can cause the elderly to feel weak putting them at a higher risk of falling, reducing their ability to heal from infections and wounds and resulting in a low mood.
The key to ensuring the elderly have optimal nutrition status is identifying malnutrition early and treating accordingly. NICE guidance advocates that all residents admitted to a care home should be screened on admission and reviewed with appropriate nutrition support plans in place.
The following sections are designed for care home staff to get an overview of malnutrition for care home residents including information on nutrition screening, care planning and how to refer to the local dietetics service.
The MUST tool, developed by BAPEN is the validated tool we use within the care home setting to identify malnutrition. The acronym MUST stands for Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool. The MUST score can be transferred from setting to setting and used regardless of age, sex or medical condition. The tool can be completed by any professional with the appropriate training. It is simple to complete, and, in the community, it looks at only 2 indicators- the person’s BMI and change in weight over the last 3-6 months. The tool looks at the outcome of a person’s ability or inability to eat and drink sufficiently.
Top tips:
Locally the Nutrition and Dietetic Department in Northamptonshire have developed an on- line training package with 6 modules that care home staff can complete individually providing the necessary skill to complete the MUST screening tool. It is free to register and can be accessed at any time, please email dieteticsforcarehomes@nhft.nhs.uk
The BAPEN website provides direction on how to complete MUST and there is an online calculator that can generate the score once the height, weight and weight loss are entered.
Once the MUST screening tool has been completed and the level of risk identified, a care plan can be developed to meet the needs of the resident. To make a plan that will work for the individual it is important to understand the following:
When developing a care plan, it is important to have a good knowledge of how you can optimise a resident’s diet through food first dietary changes to make it more nourishing. These may include nourishing drinks, using a little and often approach with high energy and protein snacks and food fortification. The sections below have more information.
Top tips:
It is a CQC regulation (14) that all care homes provide adequate nutrition and hydration. This can be achieved with a menu that provides sufficient nutrients for all care home residents and is the cornerstone of good nutrition. The British Dietetic Association (BDA) in collaboration with the National Association of Care Catering (NACC) have developed a resource on all aspects of food and menu provision. It is free of charge and can be downloaded on the BDA website.
The NACC is a membership organisation, comprising of care suppliers and providers that provides guidelines and guidance on food service.
For residents who are scored at high risk (according to the MUST tool), the core menu may not be sufficient, and it is the responsibility of the care home to offer additional foods and fluids. This can be achieved by fortifying foods on the menu and providing nourishing snacks and drinks between meals. On average the snacks and drinks should provide a minimum of 300kcals and have a source of protein. This is the first line diet approach when a resident’s nutrition score has changed, and it is the care homes responsibility to implement.
Top tips:
Locally the Nutrition and Dietetic Department in Northamptonshire have developed an on- line training package with 6 modules that care home staff can complete individually providing the necessary skill to implement food fortification and nourishing drinks and snacks. It is free to register and can be accessed at any time, please email dieteticsforcarehomes@nhft.nhs.uk
A nutritional review may be required for some residents and the criteria for referral into the dietetic service is as follows:
There are some residents that have a low BMI; however, are stable at their weight and have not been able to gain weight or it is not realistic to.
They will score a MUST of 2; however, it is not necessary to refer to the dietitian. The care home should continue with a robust nutritional care plan consisting of additional food and drink with and between meals and to provide the support the resident requires to complete meals as able. The aim is to deter further frailty and weight loss and optimise meal intake.
Care homes should refer directly to the dietetic department and inform the GP that a referral has been made. The GP surgery does not need to make this referral as this could cause unnecessary delays. The department accepts referrals made through the NHFT dietetics website
A five-day food and fluid record is required and should be attached to the referral. Should the care home require a food record template, it is available on the website.
Once the referral has been received, it will be triaged and should there be evidence that the food first application has not been started or the resident has low weight but no weight loss, the referral will be rejected with guidance sent to the care home. If accepted, it may take up to 20 days to conduct the dietetic review which will be by telephone.
The dietetic staff will provide guidance on the most appropriate plan of care. If criteria is met for nutritional products on prescription, the dietetic staff will go over with the care home staff what the options are, with agreement on the supplement that would best suit the resident. The aim is to be on the supplement for a short period of time, until the resident can transition back to meeting nutrition with the meals. The dietetic staff will write to the GP and the surgery will then issue the prescription. It is best to liaise with the chemist on flavours to ensure the resident will enjoy the supplement and to derive the maximum benefits.
Top tip:
Locally the Nutrition and Dietetic Department in Northamptonshire have developed an on- line training package with 6 modules that care home staff can complete individually providing the necessary skill to refer appropriately to the dietetic staff. It is free to register and can be accessed at any time, please email Dieteticsforcarehomes@nhft.nhs.uk
To find out more about our service please take a look at the Dietetics page on the NHFT website where there is a care home section.
This guideline covers identifying and caring for adults who are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition in hospital or in their own home or a care home. It offers advice on how oral, enteral tube feeding and parenteral nutrition support should be started, administered and stopped. It aims to support healthcare professionals identify malnourished people and help them to choose the most appropriate form of support.
National Institute for Health and Care excellence (NICE). Managing medicines in care homes, Social care guideline [SC1]
This guideline covers good practice for managing medicines in care homes. It aims to promote the safe and effective use of medicines in care homes by advising on processes for prescribing, handling and administering medicines. It also recommends how care and services relating to medicines should be provided to people living in care homes.
National Institute for Health and Care excellence (NICE). Giving medicines covertly
A quick guide for care home managers and home care managers providing medicines support. People should not be given medicines without their knowledge if they have the mental capacity to make decisions about their treatment and care.
Adults should not be given medicines covertly unless they have been assessed as lacking the mental capacity to make decisions about their health or medicines. If they lack capacity to make these decisions and it is assessed as being in their best interests, they may need to be given medicines without their knowledge or consent (e.g. hidden in food or drink). Care staff need to be aware of the Mental Capacity Act and its Code of Practice and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards to protect both the person and themselves.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE): Moving between hospital and home, including care homes
A quick guide for registered managers of care homes. Registered managers and their teams have an important role to play as part of the community-based team supporting people transferring in and out of hospital. When people with care and support needs transfer into and out of hospital, good communication and integrated services are essential.
The Care Home Advice Pharmacy Service (CHAPS) is a team of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians dedicated to optimising the safe use of medicines and improving resident care across Northamptonshire.
The CHAPS work in partnership with care home staff, GP practices, community pharmacies and other health professionals / agencies regarding medicines use in care homes. The team can:
Areas of support include:
Providing guidance on medicines management processes
Providing education and training
Providing guidance on homely remedies – process and documentation
Providing guidance on self-care – process and documentation
Providing advice for medicines administration in residents with swallowing difficulties or via enteral feeding tubes
Advising on covert (disguised) administration - process and documentation
Setting up and supporting online ordering by proxy
Answering general medicines related queries
Please contact the CHAPS team if you would like support in any of these areas: northantsicb.chaps@nhs.net
The British National Formulary (BNF) describes the uses, doses, safety issues, medicinal forms and other considerations involved in the use of medicines.
The electronic medicines compendium (emc) contains up to date, easily accessible information about medicines licensed for use in the UK, including patient information leaflets (PILs).
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority regulates medicines, medical devices and blood components for transfusion in the UK. Patient Information Leaflets (PILs) can be found here: MHRA Products | Home
Helping residents to have good mouth care can reduce the risk of chest infections and hospital admission due to pneumonia
The McKenzie Center provides ten steps to brushing your teeth on its website including a diagram
Resident’s dentures must be cleaned twice a day. There is further information about how to clean dentures, including a diagram and downloadable factsheet on the Dental Health Services website
For further information please contact Infection Prevention Control Care Home Team- 0300 027229/07541 645218
Successful management of UTIs requires a coordinated focus on prevention, early and accurate diagnosis, and appropriate treatment. If left unmanaged, UTIs can lead to severe infection, sepsis and in some cases death.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) affect the urinary tract, including the bladder, urethra, or kidneys. Sometimes a urinary tract infection can develop into a severe infection that can cause a person to become very ill and they may then need to go to hospital.
What are the symptoms of a UTI?
A person with a UTI may have signs and symptoms including:
Contact a healthcare professional, this could be the local GP, a senior nurse, the community pharmacist, walk-in centre or NHS 111 service if you think someone you care for may have a UTI.
The National Wound Care Strategy programme (NWCSP) is commissioned by NHS England to improve care for people with wounds. The NWCSP are developing a range of resources to help health and care professionals deliver better wound care and to help patients and carers understand what good care looks like and how to help care for their wounds. This website provides information about pressure ulcers, lower limb wounds and surgical wounds for health and care professionals, people with wounds and their carers.
Name/service | Training offer | Cost/free | Frequency | Duration | Method | Residential (R) Nursing homes (N) Domiciliary providers (D) |
Countywide (C) |
Booking details |
Care Home Advice Pharmacy Service (CHAPS) | Medicines Awareness Webinars | Free | Monthly (usually a Tuesday or Wednesday between 11am and 12pm) | 1 hours | Live Teams Webinar | R, N, D | C |
Please contact us to find out what topics, dates and registration link are available via northantsicb.chaps@nhs.net |
Care Home Continence Training | Free | Alternate months |
3 Hours 1-4pm |
Face to face |
R, D and N |
C |
NCAS Telephone: 0300 027 1360 Email: ncas@nhft.nhs.uk or ncas.services@nhs.net |
North Northants Council Health Protection Team |
IPC training (SICPs) | Free | Annually and as required in between to cater for new staff, outbreaks etc. | 1.5hrs approx | Face to Face | R, N, D | N | Sarah.Briddon@northnorthants.gov.uk |
Specsavers |
Optical training | Free |
The training looks at the main eye conditions that can affect residents. Residents can suffer from different eye conditions like glaucoma, macular degeneration or cataracts and many others. Therefore the sessions can be tailored to explain any eye conditions in a group or individually. The sessions also use simulation glasses that the team can try on to see what it's like to have particular conditions.Staff members who complete the training will receive a certificate of completion at the end. |
Approx. 1 hour | Face to face | R,N,D | C |
Karolina Romanow |
Tissue Viability NHFT |
Pressure Ulcer Prevention |
Free |
11th June 2024 09:45 - 12:45 16th September 2024 13:00 - 16:00 17th December 2024 09:45 - 12:45 |
3 hours | Teams | R and D | C |
Please contact us on nhft.tissueviability@nhs.net if you would like to book a place. Please specify which session your staff would like to attend and we will send you a meeting link / information closer to the date. |
Tissue Viability NHFT | Wound Healing and Management | Free |
6th June 2024 09:30 - 12:30 5th September 2024 09:30 - 12:30 12th December 2024 09:30 - 12:30 |
3 hours | Teams | N only | C |
Please contact us on nhft.tissueviability@nhs.net if you would like to book a place. Please specify which session your staff would like to attend and we will send you a meeting link / information closer to the date. |
Diabetes MDT |
Diabetes Awareness Level 1 | Free | One off or Annual update if administering insulin to include summary of level 1&2 training | R and N | C | diabetes.northants@nhs.net | ||
Diabetes MDT |
Diabetes Blood Glucose, hypos, hypers Level 2 | Free | One off or Annual update if administering insulin to include summary of level 1&2 training | R and N | C | diabetes.northants@nhs.net | ||
Diabetes MDT |
Diabetes Insulin administration as a delegated task Level 3 | Free | One off or Annual update if administering insulin to include summary of level 1&2 training | R and N | C | diabetes.northants@nhs.net | ||
End of Life Care Practice development Team/ Specialist Palliative Care | SAGE & THYME Foundation Level Communication Skills workshop | £90 | One off | 3 hours | Face to face or via MS Teams | R, N, D | C |
Please contact 03000 271300 or email eolceducation@nhft.nhs.uk. Places will only be reserved for 7 days from point of enquiry. Without receipt of completed booking form and invoicing details, reserved places will be released. |
EOLC PDT/SPC | Enhanced Communication Skills Workshop for registered professionals | £120 | One off | 7.5 hours | Face to face | R, N, D | C | Please contact 03000 271300 or email eolceducation@nhft.nhs.uk. Places will only be reserved for 7 days from point of enquiry. Without receipt of completed booking form and invoicing details, reserved places will be released. |
Advance Care Planning Workshop | £45 | One off | 2 hours | Face to face or MS Teams | R, N, D | C | Please contact 03000 271300 or email eolceducation@nhft.nhs.uk. Places will only be reserved for 7 days from point of enquiry. Without receipt of completed booking form and invoicing details, reserved places will be released. |
Care towards the end of life’ A short course for Newly Registered Nurses |
£330 | One off |
1 x 7.5 hour workshop 5 x 3 hour workshops |
Blended face to face and MS Teams | R, N, D | C | Please contact 03000 271300 or email eolceducation@nhft.nhs.uk. Places will only be reserved for 7 days from point of enquiry. Without receipt of completed booking form and invoicing details, reserved places will be released. |
Care of dying adults in the last days of life for Registered Healthcare Professionals | £120 | One off | 4 x 2.5 hour workshops | Blended face to face and MS Teams | R, N, D | C | Please contact 03000 271300 or email eolceducation@nhft.nhs.uk. Places will only be reserved for 7 days from point of enquiry. Without receipt of completed booking form and invoicing details, reserved places will be released. |
T34/ BodyGuard Syringe Pump Training for Registered Nurses Full day session | £145 | One off | 7.5 hours | Face to face | R, N, D | C | Please contact 03000 271300 or email eolceducation@nhft.nhs.uk. Places will only be reserved for 7 days from point of enquiry. Without receipt of completed booking form and invoicing details, reserved places will be released. |
T34/BodyGuard Syringe Pump Training for Registered Nurses Refresher session | £80 | Annually | 3 hours | Face to face | R, N, D | C | Please contact 03000 271300 or email eolceducation@nhft.nhs.uk. Places will only be reserved for 7 days from point of enquiry. Without receipt of completed booking form and invoicing details, reserved places will be released. |
Evidence Based Care in the Last Days of life for Support Workers | £80` | One off | 4 hours | Face to face or MS Tea,s | R, N, D | C | Please contact 03000 271300 or email eolceducation@nhft.nhs.uk. Places will only be reserved for 7 days from point of enquiry. Without receipt of completed booking form and invoicing details, reserved places will be released. |
Principles of Palliative and End of Life Care for Allied Health Professionals | £130 | One off | 7.5 hours | Face to face | R, N, D | C | Please contact 03000 271300 or email eolceducation@nhft.nhs.uk. Places will only be reserved for 7 days from point of enquiry. Without receipt of completed booking form and invoicing details, reserved places will be released. |
End of Life Care Link Group | Free | Quarterly | 1.5 hours | MS Teams | R, N, D | C | Please contact 03000 271300 or email eolceducation@nhft.nhs.uk. Places will only be reserved for 7 days from point of enquiry. Without receipt of completed booking form and invoicing details, reserved places will be released. |
Health and Social Care providers are able to commission the EOLC PDT to design and deliver bespoke education to meet learners needs. This ranges from an hour session to a full study day.
Name/service | Training offer | Cost/free | Frequency | Duration | Method |
Residential (R) |
Countywide (C) North (N) West (W) |
Further info |
Skills for Care (training delivered by licensed learning providers) |
Funded leadership programmes:
Currently funded until end of March 2024. Programmes available after March 2024 but no funding has been announced yet. |
Various start dates | Various (dependent on programme and delivery format) | Various options available | All services (including non-regulated services) | C | Funded leadership programmes (skillsforcare.org.uk) |
Skills for Care (delivered by endorsed learning providers) | Funded essential training - rapid induction programme, refresher training, volunteer programme. | Funded until end of March 2024 |
Various dates |
Dependent on format chosen | Various | All | C | Essential training (skillsforcare.org.uk) |
Skills for Care |
Being prepared for CQC inspection seminar |
£120+ VAT per person | Quarterly | 10:00 - 15:30 | Virtual | All regulated services | C |
Skills for Care | Delivering outstanding care seminar | £120+ VAT per person | Quarterly | 10:00 - 15:30 | Virtual | All regulated services | C |
Skills for Care | Improving your CQC rating seminar | £120+ VAT | Quarterly | 10:00 - 15:30 | Virtual | All regulated services | C |
Skills for Care | Introductory modules for managers | Modules cost £15 each – employers can claim £50 per participant from the Workforce Development Fund. | Anytime (e-learning) | 40 mins - 1 hours per module | E-learning | All services | C | Book here |
Skills for Care |
Good and Outstanding care learning modules |
Modules cost £15 each – employers can claim £50 per participant from the Workforce Development Fund. | Anytime (e-learning) | 40 mins - 1 hours per module | E-learning | All services | C | Book here |
Skills for Care (in partnership with the National Care Forum) | Digital leadership programme | £575+VAT per person | Quarterly cohort, next cohort starts in April 2024 | 4 days | Virtual | All services | C | Book here |
Stronger Together NHS staff wellbeing hub | Bi-monthly training days for registered managers | Free | Bi-monthly | Full day | In person | All services | C |
Training days are only open to registered managers of social care services. If you have any questions about the training day, please contact our team at stronger.together@nhft.nhs.uk |
Skills for Care |
Values-based recruitment training |
Costed – depended on cohort size and programme chosen | On request | Various | Various | All services | C | Book here |
Skills for Care |
Workforce planning | Costed – depended on cohort size and programme chosen | On request | Various | Various | All services | C | Email lauren.stacey@skillsforcare.org.uk for more information. |
Digital Care Hub |
Data Security and Protection eLearning |
Free | Anytime | Bitesize learning modules | E-learning | All services | C | Book here |
Skills for Care |
Digital champions eLearning modules | TBC | Anytime | Bitesize learning modulees | E-learning | All services | C |
These modules will be launching soon – email lauren.stacey@skillsforcare.org.uk if you have questions. |