Governance and Board Meetings
We will ensure that decisions are taken in an open and transparent way and that the interests of patients, service users, carers and the public remain central to our goals.
The ICB Board meets bi-monthly, in person. You are welcome to attend our Board Meetings in Public. A meeting in public is where members of the public attend to observe the formal meeting. Observers are not permitted to join in the discussion or ask questions.
Capacity is on a first come first serve basis and where possible we would welcome prior notification of an intention to attend. If you wish to attend a Board Meeting in Public, please contact us at northantsicb.board@nhs.net.
Board meetings are held at the ICB Headquarters:
NHS Northamptonshire ICB
Haylock House
Kettering Parkway
Venture Park
NN15 6EY
If attending in person, please report to the Reception at Haylock House (ground floor), you will then be directed for the meeting.
Board meeting papers are published here
Members of the public who wish to ask a question of the ICB Board are asked to submit it at least three days (by 12 noon on the Monday before the date of the meeting). Relevant questions to the Board agenda may be submitted in advance and should be submitted to the Board Secretary Team here: northantsicb.board@nhs.net
Time is allocated a the start of each meeting for questions from the public.
If you have any financial interest in the subject of the question, this should be declared when the question is submitted. Complex questions or those which require particular research, or data retrieval or analysis may be deferred and answered at a future ICB Board meeting or directly in writing.
Grounds for not accepting public questions include, but are not limited to:
The decision of the Chair of the ICB Board meeting on whether to accept a question and how it should be answered is final.