Equality, Inclusion and Human Rights
Equality and human rights are central to the way we plan and operate as a public body, an employer, and a planner of healthcare services.
Equality and human rights are central to the way we plan and operate as a public body, an employer, and a planner of healthcare services.
We understand and recognise that:
We want to:
Our aim is to:
We will strive to embed equality and diversity in all key aspects of developing services, procurement and employment practices. Northamptonshire ICB;
As part of the PSED, Northamptonshire ICB focuses on:
We have been working to develop Equality Objectives that help us establish a strong foundation on which to build future equalities activities.
We want to create an inclusive and supportive environment for the people we serve that delivers the ambitions of the Behaviors and Values Framework:
Due to the size of the organisation, Northamptonshire ICB is not required to produce detailed staff profiles by protected characteristics. This protects the privacy of our colleagues as any profiles of protected characteristics would allow individuals to be identified.
The Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) has been developed as a tool to measure the experiences in the workforce of minority ethnic colleagues. We submit data to NHS England on this every year.
The Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES) has been developed as a tool to measure the experiences in the workforce of disabled colleagues. We submit data to NHS England on this every year.
All of Northamptonshire ICB’s internal workforce policies have been developed in line with current legislative requirements, including the Equality Act 2010. These policies cover the recruitment, selection and appointment process, as well as all aspects of working for Northamptonshire ICB.
In addition, Northamptonshire ICB has developed its equality objectives to include working with employees to ensure it is a supportive, respectful and fair employer.
Two reports are available to read:
NICB-Workforce Race Equality Standard Final Report 2021-22.pdf [pdf] 820KB
NICB- Workforce Disability Equality Standard Final Report 2021-22 .pdf [pdf] 246KB
Northamptonshire Integrated Care Board and NHS partner organisations within Northamptonshire are proud to work with the Equality Delivery System (EDS) 2022 to ensure we are developing and improving services, free from discrimination, to meet the needs of our patients, service users, communities and our staff.
We have been supported by NHS England to develop plans for our EDS 2022 approach, and have agreed to complete the NHS England Case Study for EDS 2022 Domain 1. As a case study, NHS England will provide bespoke support and guidance to Northamptonshire Integrated Care Board during the transition to the new EDS 2022 framework.
As part of the review of Domain 1, please see our action plan to implement the review of our Chaplaincy Services and Diabetes Services for the period April 2022 to March 2023.
EDS 2022 Action Plan for Diabetes and Chaplaincy Services - 2022-23[pdf] 174KB
The review will look at four important elements:
We will complete EDS in partnership with our patients, communities and staff who will be invited to be part of focus groups that will score/rate our Chaplaincy and Diabetes Services. Following the service review of focus groups, Service Improvement Plans will be developed and considered by our various governance processes and shared with key stakeholders. This page will then be updated with accordingly.
NHS Northamptonshire ICB EDS - Domain 2: Workforce Health and Well-Being Report 2022-23[pdf] 248KB
NHS Northamptonshire ICB EDS - Domain 3, Inclusive Leadership Report 2022-23[pdf] 210KB
Northamptonshire ICB EDS Domain 2 Final Report 2023.pdf[pdf] 140KB
Northamptonshire ICB EDS Domain 3 Final Report 2023.pdf[pdf] 197KB
Northamptonshire ICB EDS Domain 2 and 3 Action Plan 2024-25 [pdf] 145KB
In line with our Equality, Inclusion and Human Rights statement, we aim to create a Community where local people and local Clinicians continue to work together to improve equal healthcare access, experience and outcomes and to ensure that the objectives of the Clinical Commissioning Group continue to focus on equality in everything we do including our workforce.
As a publicly funded organisation we are required to publish information annually on how we met the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) and the progress we have made in achieving our equality objectives.
NHS Northamptonshire Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) Report 2022 2023.pdf[pdf] 549KB
Northamptonshire ICB Public Sector Equality Duty Annual Report 2023-24[pdf] 1MB