Individual Funding Request
Healthcare professionals can file an Individual Funding Request, for patients who may benefit from a treatment or service that is not routinely offered by the NHS.
We are given a set amount of public money to spend so we have to make important decisions on what treatments are routinely provided. Where patients may benefit from a treatment or service that is not routinely offered by the NHS, healthcare professionals can file an Individual Funding Request.
An Individual Funding Request (IFR) is available for patients who have exceptional clinical circumstances and is made by a clinician. The NHS cannot accept individual funding requests directly from patients. However, patients can work with their clinicians to have an input into the process.
Requesting treatments that are not routinely available on the NHS must be made through an IFR. Our patients must follow the same IFR policy that is used across the East Midlands. This ensures that the NHS treats patients consistently and fairly no matter where they live.
Please read the IFR policy here - Individual Funding Request Policy Northamptonshire - ICB[pdf] 2MB
Please find the IFR form to complete here - Individual Funding Request - Request Form Appendix C - ICB [docx] 78KB
For more information on IFRs, please email ifr.northants@nhs.net or call 0121 611 0644.