National NHS wellbeing resources

National NHS wellbeing resources
5 steps to mental wellbeing
Evidence suggests there are 5 steps you can take to improve your mental health and wellbeing. Trying these things could help you feel more positive and able to get the most out of life.
NHS 5 steps to mental wellbeing
How to improve your mental wellbeing
This online resource from Mind explains what mental wellbeing means, and gives tips to help you take care of your mental wellbeing.
NHS England Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs
The staff mental health and wellbeing hubs have been set up to provide health and social care colleagues rapid access to assessment and local evidence-based mental health services and support where needed. The hub offer is confidential and free of charge for all health and social care staff.
NHS England Staff mental health and wellbeing hubs
NHS Professionals Health and Wellbeing Hub
Resources, ideas and guidance to help NHS staff manage your mental health and wellbeing.
British Red Cross

British Red Cross
Life can sometimes feel overwhelming. Reaching out to others may feel like a challenge at times and knowing where to look for advice is sometimes difficult.
Explore the British Red Cross wellbeing resources to learn skills that will help you cope when faced with adversity including stress, anxiety, loneliness, and managing your personal connections.
Be Well Midlands

Be Well Midlands
Be Well MIdlands is the first of its kind – an initiative for everyone working in health and care in the Midlands.
The programme aims to improve our wellbeing provision, so we are able to continue providing exceptional care. We need to be well to care well.
Skills for Care – adult social care
Skills for Care – adult social care
Wellbeing at work relates to every aspect of working life, from the working environment to how the workforce feels about themselves.
Stress and burn-out are real issues for adult social care staff and with the added challenges and restrictions of the pandemic, workforce wellbeing has never been so important.
Supporting the health and wellbeing of the workforce is essential in making sure that people with care and support needs and their families receive good quality care so they can live as independently as possible.
Adult social care colleagues can access a range of wellbeing resources on the Skills for Care website.
NHS Northamptonshire Integrated Care Board (Staff only)

NHS Northamptonshire Integrated Care Board (Staff only)
All staff at Northamptonshire ICB can access a range of wellbeing resources via the Team ICB Portal, including mindful wellbeing, wellbeing campaigns and other useful material.
Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (Staff only)

Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (Staff only)
All NHFT staff can access a range of wellbeing resources via the Staff Room. This includes:
- Psychological and emotional wellbeing
- Physical wellbeing
- Money support and advice
- Spiritual wellbeing
- New ways of working, further support and resources
North Northamptonshire Council (Staff only)

North Northamptonshire Council (Staff only)
North Northamptonshire Council offers a wide range of wellbeing resources to council staff via the intranet.
North Northamptonshire Council Wellbeing Hub
A few of the great resources available to NNC staff include:
West Northamptonshire Council (Staff only)

West Northamptonshire Council (Staff only)
All staff at West Northamptonshire Council can access wellbeing resources through the WNC intranet wellbeing hub.
University Hospitals of Northamptonshire

University Hospitals of Northamptonshire
All staff within the University Hospitals of Northamptonshire NHS group can access a range of wellbeing resources via their trust intranet.